

Health in funny way😅
Maya was a self-proclaimed "health guru," always telling her friends about the latest superfoods, miracle workouts, and how celery juice was life-changing. One morning, she decided to take her wellness game up a notch and try a full day of intense yoga, meditation, and clean eating. She set her alarm for 5 a.m., ready to start the day with a sunrise stretch.

But when the alarm rang, Maya hit snooze. Then snooze again. After about 30 minutes of "inner reflection" (a.k.a. more snoozing), she finally rolled out of bed. Her first goal? A green smoothie. She tossed spinach, kale, cucumber, and an entire lemon into the blender. The result was a sludge that smelled like a forest floor.

"Yum, this is great for detoxing!" she muttered to herself as she gagged on the first sip. By lunchtime, Maya felt she'd earned a "healthy reward" for all her morning efforts and ate half a box of organic cookies.

The real fun came at yoga class. Feeling overly confident, she attempted a headstand but ended up toppling into the person next to her, creating a domino effect of falling yogis. Embarrassed but determined, Maya sat in child’s pose for the rest of the class, telling herself that listening to your body was the ultimate health move.

By the end of the day, she decided that wellness was about balance—especially balancing naps and snacks...😅