

*No Title*
The cry was faint but I heard loud and clear it as I walked past the dark bushes. My steps faltered. It was late and I wasn’t sure if it was a smart thing to stop and inspect the source but I decided to rush towards the screams. As i reached across the bushes i noticed a door, a strange door standing in the middle of the fields. I had watched Shazam!, Moon Knight, Doraemon, Wanda Vision, Dr Strange etc. so i decided to open the queer door because in those movies and shows such doors work like portals. I grasped the doorhandle tight as I heard a louder cry this time and I opened it quickly. I was aghasted to see a little girl who was laid hold of by a monster and was screaming in pain and terror. I hurtled towards them without wasting another second to save the girl. As I tried to push the monster away i fell down. He was transparent like a ghost. It frightened the life out me, i was sweating and shuddering but anyhow collected my strength to save the kid. This time I planned to lift the girl and run through the door but as i tried to do so i realised that she was transparent as well. Both the monster and the little girl vapourised. My face had frozen. I was sweating profusely and repenting to be here, "I want to go back to my home. My child is alone. why did i come here in the first place?", I cried. So i opened the door to go back but I found myself somewhere else. I could see the same little girl who was around five years younger toddler this time, a couple maybe her parents and the same monster. "Utter a word and it'll be your last one i swear. Hold your tongue otherwise I'll punch you in the face", the father shouted at the mother. "You've done this the whole life. What new can you offer, ugh?", her mother shouted back. The girl was crying and requesting them not to fight. "Buzz off", her father screamed mercilessly at the girl. She left the room in tears. I ran behind her.
"They don't love you. In fact nobody does. The sole reason for their fights is none but you. It doesn't mean you don't deserve love. I can love you if you let me kiss you." and he started to suck and squeeze her little cheeks filthily. He was the same monster. Gosh, he's manipulating her. I wanted to help her but they all were clouds of somebody's memories on which I intruded accidentally. I was weeping out my miamed desire to drag this kid out of this hell. And everything vapourised again. I opened the door behind which another memory was waiting for me.
"Aey girl, where are you going?"
"I've done my homework already. Now I'm going out to play with my friends."
"No! Then go and revise your homework or watch TV. You cannot go out. Don't you know how wicked and evil people are outside?" Yeah the monster again. The girl went inside and started to watch Marvel cartoons keenly. As I tried to go towards her to caress her head she turned into vapour.
I walked across the doorstep and saw the 6-7 YEARS OLD playing basketball in her backyard with a boy. I sighted her cheery smile for the first time.
"How dare you bring a boy in my house? I cannot allow these things here. Don't you know what kinda people live around us?
And you... You are bringing up a wanton girl. I've already warned you. Now if a contretemps occur to her it will be your fault."
All but darkness converted into vapour as usual. My heart was sinking now. I didn't want to see more. I wiped my tears off and entered the other side of the door.
I could see her parents' fighting again but where is she?
"No. I don't like it." I heard her voice. she's in the monster's room.
He was sliding his hand inside her pants and was murmuring- 'yes nobody loves you. You're unworthy and unwanted but don't worry. I will love you. Let me do it. ssshhhh... but remember don't tell anyone'.
I wanted to kill this abominable creature. I screamed to the highest of my lungs in anger and started pretending to beat the transparent creature and didn't stop until I bursted into tears. When I collected my strength to look back they had disappeared.
Next time I found myself into the girl's room. "I, the king of hotwheels-land, declare to open the box of this precious commodity, because our hero says- WITH GREAT POWER, COMES GREAT RESPONSIBILITY ".
Maybe her isolation made her become her own friend, creative and a very crazy actor.
The monster peeped into her room and stood there to stare at her, "why did you stop? Go on. Why are you running away? Come here. Yeah I'm an old man. Why would anyone come to me?" He kept uttering and went out.
I rushed towards the door to know more about this kid.
"Hi"- i heard and freaked out because it was the kiddo.
"How can you see me??" I asked in utter bewilderment.
"You saw it all because it's I who wanted you to see it all. I hope you don't freak out if I tell you that I'm dead", she let it out in one breath.
I was sweating profusely and trying to wake myself up in hope that it was mere a nightmare.
"Trust me it ain't a nightmare. Also you're not dead", said the kid after reading my mind and held my hand, 'come I'll show you something'.
A ghost was holding my hand and taking me across the door. I was trying to pacify consternation.
"Momma, can I join you to the market please? I will not ask for anything. Please take me with you. Please", the nine years old was requesting her mother not to leave her at "home" alone with the monster. "Go and do your homework. You will get bored there. Now go inside."
She was drawing a magnificent parrot in her sketchbook when the monster entered, put both his hands around her and leaned towards her, "what are you doing, my girl? Drawing, eh? Let me kiss you doll." She tried to get up and run away from his trap which annoyed the monster. He grabbed her and threw her into the bed.
"No no no. I know it. I saw the same thing when i first entered the door", i shouted in agitation. Look girl, if we can hold hands I can kill this monster as well", I rushed towards him and fell down again. He was still transparent.
"Please calm down, madam. It's okay. It's mere a memory", said the kid while tapping my hand.
"So why was i chosen to see all this?" I asked with great confusion and pain.
"Maybe because you were crazy enough to open the door of abandonment", she answered with a quirky smile.
"The door of what-ment?"
"Leave it. The truth is that I am you."
"You're lying. You said you're dead, also it ain't my life. My childhood was not abnormal."
"I don't lie and Yes I am dead.
They say an innocent child lives in all the adults. I am neither innocent nor a child. I didn't want to traumatise you with my horrendous scars. So i decided to kill myself and leave you with the memories of a healthy and normal childhood which never existed in real", said the kid with certitude.
I could feel a surge of excruciating anguish and betrayal in me. I did not want to believe any of her words. "Why did you choose to come back now?"
"I'm grateful you asked because your child has got up and you'd better hurry. I decided to come back because you're failing as a parent."
"Are you crazy? My kid is living my dreams. We are working day in and out for its future and a good life. Who are you to say such things?"
"Of course I'm you. But before throwing tantrums at me, can you answer How many times you have taught your child about the appropriate and inappropriate touches and how the child should react in such a situation? Tell me."
I was taken aback by her words.
"I hope all your doubts are clear now. I request you to leave this place now. Your child is waiting for you."
"Okay. You're coming with me. If you are me you have to reside in me. Your scars are ours. You are innocent and a child too. It was never your fault. I am ready to accept myself just the way I am. Hold my hands and let's go."
I felt blind for a few seconds because of an intense flash of light. As i opened my eyes I saw my child drawing a magnificent parrot in its sketchbook. I moved towards it, embraced and took the child in my arms "Momma is gonna teach you something today. Promise me you'll never forget the lessons."

© sunitanandhinee