

Life of Spirituality 🍁
We all are indulge with the materialistic world and get bound with that. We entirely depend on materialistic objects inorder to get the pleasure.we desire for something and get bound with which brings pleasure in our life but if it vanishes it will lead the miseries in life this is reason which brings sufferings in life. The only way to get out from this is to walk upon the path of spirituality before understanding how it can help a person to away from the boundly world first we need to understand the meaning of spirituality.

Spiritual is not only the concept of devotion to God and deals with religious beliefs but it can be concern with the realisation of self. Spirituality is a broad concept with room for many perspectives. In general, it includes a sense of connection to something bigger than ourselves, and it typically involves a search for meaning in life Through spiritual path one can realise oneself and to connect boundless world. if to walk upon the path of spirituality one have to excercise yoga. Yoga is system which unite soul with the ultimate reality. This is how the path of spirituality can helps person to come out from the boundly world and to realise the power of spirit.
© Avina Punjabi