

Alien Aren't Nice
Aliens Aren’t Nice
Chapter 1 – opened my eyes

I opened my eyes but I was covered in some kind of slime, I had to stay still because something was moving, it was making Strange noises, this thing got closer to me with something in it’s hand, it was making clucking sounds, the way it was breathing slow huge breaths in and out. It began wiping this slime off my body when I felt a burning sensation on my stomach. “What was it doing?” I thought the pain began to get to intense, I passed out, when I opened my eyes I was on my livingroom couch where I passed out. I immediately check my stomach. “It wasn’t a dream” I thought to myself as I notice a triangle burned into my flesh. It still hurt. But what was it!?

Chapter 2 – Intro
Hi, my name’s is General Fortmier, this is my story, now before you continue to read this, I want you to know, I NEVER stretch the truth and everything I’ve experienced is VERY Real. Some readers may end up having nightmares so readers do please be aware..
© WesleyMcvay