

Matchmaking continuation here it is ......
Next day in the morning I'm getting makeover with help of my mom approximately at 8 am .Then my mom and dad
making arrangements for guests .And myself I'm looking at mirror and watching myself that means how am I ,like that .All arrangements are done ,I'm ready for matchmaking . Guests said they will come at nearly at 11 o clock like that . Myself im in a deep thinking and fully tensed and worried time is going no guests come yet ☹️ tooo much tension .And this is my first matchmaking .I sat like that till the end of the day . Atlast ,they arrived in the evening .Due to its corona time they all sanitized . I'm shyed inside and laughing myself and tensed tooo . Actually I'm not interested in makeover ,but it's been tied myself because it's evening time .But my makeover me again and I sat infront of the guests with tensed. Suddenly ,I saw the groom he was so nice in reality . He is totally different from photos and I'm so happy by seeing him 😊.I was tensed from morning that all tension was gone after seeing him .I felt like a magic and I loved the magic what I have experienced that moment .I won't spoken single word also just I gave smile . whatever they ask and my mom is helping me whatever they ask she is responding . I'm just going on smiling 😊. Groom parents asked his son ,is she ok for u .He also just gave smile and nosing his head like saying yes .But I'm crazy at that time I'm watching him only continuously and he is feeling shy and I like that 😉 .At last Matching making was finished successfully .Both we are said ok to our parents by giving smile 😊.And this how matchmaking was finished .

And the another twist continues in next story
till then bye guys 👋 take care ,be safe at homes.

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