


What do you know about being strong?


rigid is a definition where when someone faces-experiences-pressure. Physical pressure or mental pressure, and the person never complains and faces them all with a smile. As if you do not consider that pressure is a burden and react to it in an ordinary way.

Then what is a masochist?

Masochism is a definition where when someone enjoys-too enjoys-the pressure he experiences. And love him too much.

That's what is being experienced by a girl named Laura or commonly called Aura. What, with too much hope and getting a lot of pressure, but responding with a broad grin and covering it up, he can be said to be tough? or masochist? or both?

He was trapped in a forbidden feeling with his teammate, Arjeno Erlang River or Erlang. Just by her side could she feel a lot of pressure, especially when she forced that feeling? apart from that forbidden feeling, there are also many other pressures that he faces. Starting from his parents divorced. Then the father who died while leaving for another country after separating from his mother. Then his mother chose to leave and didn't want to know about him anymore. Then where is the sister? His sister works at a night club. Being a paid woman in order to make ends meet.

Then does Erlang know all that pressure?

The answer is no. Erlang never knew all the stress he was experiencing because he was so good at covering it all up. Saying that she's fine, that's fine. And of course he also didn't tell Erlang about his feelings.

But it all passed so fast. No conversation, no beginning. Both of them dissolve in hot kisses while on vacation to the beach to complete the Neo City concert in Miami. Then all ended mediocre. Without anyone saying that feeling.

Add one more stress to his life. And he likes it.

Say he's a masochist. Because he enjoyed everything that was very painful.

Masochists in the form of mental torture.

He, Laura, was involved in a feeling of forbidden love for Erlang.

And he should know that his love will be unrequited. But he ignored it because he really liked the pain.

So, when his eyes caught the scene where the person he liked was walking with a woman with a brown hair, and ended up with a short kiss on the lips, he knew that it all did match his predictions.

And when it came to a thick piece of paper adorned with the names of Erlang and Yeni in bold, he finally gave up.

"I gave up everything."
