

Operation accomplished..!
The streetlights were dim as the mist enclosed it in its mysterious grip. She peered out of her window into the darkness, was someone out there or was it her imagination? Preoccupied with all kinds of apparitional thoughts, she was little disturbed but brave enough to make her way alone through the ever lonely street in the quiet hours of midnight.
This is her daily business.She is accustomed to this road from the time she is working as a nurse in a poor village hospital located 20km away from her house. Sometimes she gets emergency calls at any hour of the day or night. And she has to attend without any excuse. Susan is very sincere in her job and is a girl of integrity. She used to be very free and mingling with all her patients. Therefore, she was liked by all.
Her love, care and respect has won the heart of all the staff and even of the manager.
But today was really tough. From the moment she woke up, something unusual and evil was happening. At the first place, she received a call from her cousin about her uncle's death, then, in the afternoon, as she was going to take bath, she stumbled over the mat and fell along side and had a mild injury in the left arm. In the evening as she was strolling on the rooftop, accidentally her feet slipped almost at the cliff but fortunately she managed to hold the nearby pillar. With all this, she was little obsessed.
At 8 PM, she received a call from her workplace, informing about an urgent operation that has to be undertaken by tomorrow morning. Hearing this, she left at once after dinner. As she was driving the car she took notice of certain things in her way between Kalishai chowk and Majnupur road. But she was so occupied with the events of her own life that she didn't want to interfere with what was happening around her.
Then suddenly her car broke down at Bishirapur point, 15 km away from her house. Now Bishirapur is famous for crimes. She knew that it was not at all safe for her to halt there even for a minute. But she had no other option. The road was depopulated and none to help. So she managed to move her car to the left side of the road and from there she thought of calling her colleagues or someone for help. But soon she found that she has left the phone at home. Now she has two options, either to walk all the way to the village or to wait whole night inside the car till anyone pass by in the morning. When she was trying to decide what to do, she heard the sound of footsteps heading towards her car from behind the bushes. She quickly switched on the light of her car and lowered the glass to see who was out there. But to her surprise there was no one. Sad, she once again resorted to her helpless condition.
It is going to be 1 AM now and she could not sleep. Turning sides, she put her best efforts to take nap. But alas! nothing worked. Then, she decided to walk out. After walking fot 5 to10 minutes, she felt that, it was useless to wander in the misty weather with no clear vision and any sign of shelter. She returned to her car and this time she got to the back seat and stretched herself. Closing her eyes, she recollected all the incidents that took place this morning. Each memory was painful and created a fearful impression in her mind. After some 5-10 minutes, she heard someone knocking the window. She jumped out with a shock and quickly lowered the window glass. For her surprise this time also there was no one. She got really nervous and started breathing heavily. Looking sideways, she atlast opened the door to figure out who it was. As she stepped out she could fadely see through the thick mist a woman in white saree, beckoning to come after her. For a moment Susan thought to get inside the car and lock herself in there but then something happened to her that she started to follow that woman. As it was a misty night, she had to make her steps faster to keep track of her. Following her, Susan reached into the deep of the forest. In a fraction of second, she found herself in the midst of a large gang. She made haste to hide herself from everyone's eyes and from there she watched everything happening out there. What she saw was a girl kidnapped by a gang of dacoits and was tied to a tree. The dacoits called her family and blackmailed them to submit certain amount of money to free that young girl.
After sometime her parents came searching for her and when they found her, they gave away the money to the dacoits and were returning. As they were set to go, a bullet hit the mother of that girl from the back and she fell dead on the spot. At this the father and the daughter started running and mostly escaped the sight of the dacoits due to mist. But not long, they were caught as fleeing from the forest by a car. But the dacoits shoot the tyre to puncture and set the car on fire.After that they flew away. But the man caught inside the car was a clever man. He had already informed the police about the condition and had sent the location. So, immediately after 5 minutes police force arrived and brought the father and the daughter out of the burning car. They were immediately taken to the nearby village hospital.
Then everything returned to the normal state. Susan, standing alone in the midst of the road, saw that woman again, whispering something to her. As she got closer to her, she could hear her speaking something about the evidence of those dacoits and her wish of bringing this incident to the notice of all.

Suddenly, a ray of light flashed on her eyes. When she opened her eyes, she found herself inside the car and it was morning. She hastily got up and ran to that place of the forest and to her surprise she found the evidence of those dacoits. The cellphone of that man which recorded the talks of previous night wherein was the proof of the dacoits. Susan put that inside her pocket and went her way. Anyhow she found someone to help her and made her way to the hospital. But alas! the case that was to be operated has passed away. She soon came to know that it was the same man , whose cellphone was with her. With great courage she went to the police station and submitted the evidence. She explained everything, she went through that night and has witnessed.
Though the father and mother were no more, that young girl got her justice.