

The man at the Train station
sat upon a bench. a man spoke to thee.
he had on a black top hat and button up clothing.
he had a fancy beard. he spoke elegantly.
he told me stories.. it seems like centuries.
the man at the train station.
he's old and wiser.
he's like an old grandfather.
nothing above either.
but I admired.
he'd say to me each morning, as I went passing by.
"hello fine lad. hope today's not a bother? "
and we'd chat all hour.
he was kind. and he was humble. I adored his smile of the stubble his beard made. it was funny to see, but he was always happily.
this man, a man of wiseness.
he was just a gentle soul.
I carried on each day.
astonished by his wisdoms.
but one day, he no longer came by.
I felt sad yet had time flied away?!
I would go around, asking friends and foes.. until one day, I seen a snippet of papers on a billboard.
one reads, " Humble Johnathon Joel Jaymes Monroe. passes away at 10pm last night, on GloryWheel Avenue, at his daughters estate in Glasgow, England.
he was 79, a wise elder of our times. may he never be forgotten. dearest folk. he was truly a time capsule of memories.
he admired each year of youth and old.
he was such an good old soul. blessed be.
Rest in Peace, Jon Jay. 1888, June 08."

I felt like, he were talkn to me. and I searched to find his funeral services.
to attend and acknowledge how important he meant to me.
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