

Lightning Strikes (Part 2)
The lightning wasn't anything like Those Fake Zig zag Lightning in School plays , In fact It went so Fast I didn't have time to Blink. Panic rises on my Body. This Is It Isn't It? This is How I die I thought. My Body is Frozen on place and I can Bearly move.(When I do move a Inch it feels as if I am Carrying A Dozen Rocks On my back). Jeff Just looks at me Not even Bothering to Help me Get out. I can't Give Him much Hate Though as I Know I would Not know what to do in his position too. I blink And see Blackness Deserts of black Nothing else. I want to cry I really do But the Tears don't come out. I Then did Something I never thought would Happen Ever Again. I opened my eyes. Might be Thinking I was back On the wet pavement and Go back to playing Golter as If Nothing happened .Well you're wrong. I was Somewhere Different really Different. I looked around But my Vision Was Blurred. Blurry Things Kept moving and A Bell sound Went I think the Blurry Things were people. If it was there was so Much People. Running Everywhere. The lightning wasn't there. Nor Rain Just A Bright Yellow sun shining down at us all. "Hello Dear You need some Help?" A Very kind lady Asked Grabbing What Looked like a wrinkly hand. I grabbed it. "Thanks" I Said My throat felt so dry I didn't think I'd be able to speak. "where is.. This Place?" I Asked. "Oh Is It you're First Time, well This Is Center Cloud It is The Most Important thing To happen To any of the Dead. It's where you go to He'll Or heaven" She explained."You mean I Am DEAD?" I Said Sobbing. "Well. Yes But No Um..." I Could Tell She didn't want to tell Me The Sad truth "It's Just Where the Gods Decide Of you're A good boy or not " She said .Speaking to me as If I was 6 or something"good Luck "She then said Patting me in the back. I Then realised i was sitting on.. Clouds ? Is This What's really in the sky He'll and Heaven And Ghosts? I'm A Ghost Now? Can I go through walls? Will i never see Jeff mom or dad or anyone? ever Again ? I Gulped. Just Then A Slimy Gooey hand Tapped My shoulder...