

The Blood of Angels
The noise was too loud, almost as if someone was using a drill machine in his head. He craned his head to relieve the cramp in his neck. When he couldn't move he realized where he was; in a coffin deep in the confines of an airplane...the bitter taste of rusty nails ushered forth by shallow breaths of unanswered dreams, and the fear of never having the chance to realize them sent a tingle down his cathodic spine. A haunted scream awoke him from his self analysis, painfully straining his hearing to encompass the remaining parts of the wreckage. Hope, however fleeting, flooded Thomas' mind. Unable to cement a sane thought onto which he could build upon, he began unraveling the chaotic events leading up to the predicament he now found himself in. Bar music fused with the aroma of alcohol was at the forefront of his mind. Followed soon after by a beautiful brunette, her hair cascading and encasing her face like a work of art by Monet. gently tracing the rim of her martini with piano playing fingers, nails delicately painted cherry red. The same color as her full lips. Her voice seemed to touch something deep inside him on a cellular level.
"My name is Misty," she softly whispered.
"Hi!, I'm Thomas." "No offense, but you are not the usual type of girl I usually meet on this dating site."
"Well thanks, I think! it depends on what you mean by type of girl?"
Thomas chuckled, a smile slowly played upon his handsomely chiseled face. "What I mean is to say is, you don't seem to be out for just a one- night-stand. Also, you seem to be beautiful inside and out."
"Ohh wow! Do you use that line on all the girls you meet?"
"Well now that you mention it, I usually say... Aren't you tired? And they say, what do you mean? Then I say, because you have been running through my mind since we met!"
"Oh my God!" she said as she belly laughed followed by a snort.
"Did you just snort? Wow, I'm on a date with a snorter!"
"Shut up!" she said after playfully punching his arm.

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