

Self check!!! “Many people says I dont have time to takecare myself.”Giving importance to me time is that much important! I will say a very BIG YES to that point.Self time is like elixir of life if we miss that.,we dont know our inner potentials. How much we are giving importance to family members the same way taking care of ourself is also important.

In fact, just few minutes squeezed into the middle of the day works if that’s all you have. You can (and should!) find a little time every day to relax and recharge, so whether it’s 20 minutes or a couple of hours, we’ve got a list of fun and fast ideas to help you make the most of the time you have all to yourself.

"STOP YOURSELF FROM STOPPING YOURSELF" treat yourself with the way how you wished to be like good food or lunch out,take good sleep,hear the music you like most, talking to your old friend,spend time in swimming pool,dress the way you want to dress,watch movie and your favourite shows ,do makeup the way you want to be like the list goes on..dont restrict yourself in your time.

Sometimes you just need to disconnect and enjoy your own company.To Inhale courage and exhale fear you need your time..when we focus on the good the good gets better..take a good move.
© Vidhya