

The rose petals in my journal have dried into shades of brown and your photoghraphs in my drawers haven't tasted air for years because for me they have lost importance just as you lost your worth many years ago

Our beautiful memories together are still exist somewhere in my mind.From the day we met till we split up, I collected each thing that you gave me,in a hope that one day,when we became old together,I'll show you that how much I loved you and you have to accept that it's true but whenever I think about those brown roses, it felt so heart wrenching that we never came to this point.

Your existence was every thing to me even I came to a point in my life where I thought I can't breathe without you but now your pictures can't even make me happy because I'm happy without you. My life taught me a big lesson that I've to focus more on myself rather than spending nights crying thinking about why you left me!

I have erased your existence from my heart and now I'm somewhere in my life where all matters to me is ME and I can't let anyone to dull my spark