

A Lost Little Girl's Smile! chapter ten
we live separately at first me and baby Thadius like with a friend of mine and her parents for a bit but that didn't last long because a new baby that cried at night in an apartment did not work well no one was able to sleep . Well about two months later we moved in with Kent and his parents and little sister Patty and older brother Ronnie . We just didn't share a bed at first out of respect for his parents . but two months later I turned sixteen and about four days later I became Kent's wife . We were so happy but soon we got into our first fight and it was physical but we forgave each other . As time went on we got our first place a beautiful apartment above a store in a small town call Hinkley and we were doing good at first then we started fighting more. But always made up we were in love. Kent worked I stayed home with Thadius but the his Brother William need a place to stay with his girlfriend that left her husband for him . Bad deal things were ok but then thing got out of hand and they moved out . Next his older sister Ginny moved in with her husband and baby just a few months younger than Thadius .and no one helped cook or clean and they always left me with the babies and it was working . It caused Kent and I to fight worse and worse til I finally took Thadius and took off to Indiana where my dad and his new wife lived . Well about a week later Kent came there to be with us and work things out . A month later we moved back to Illinois to Aurora into a little appartment all was good ocationally we faught Kent worked a couple different jobs but we were doing good we had some good friends that came around. And Kent sold weed he was always a hustler a friend came by one morning in his company truck . The police called the company and told them to keep their driver away from that appartment building they are watching a drug dealer there . So they told him he called and warned us . Well at night while Kent would work I'd take Thadius to a friend's and stay because our guys worked together . Get and I got some little jobs like putting tags on sunglasses and washers on screws and caps on thumb sucker that we did while the guys worked nights . To earn extra cash . Until the guys got into a bad wreck on the way home John broke his arm and Kent had a bad concussion and was cut up badly . But both were ok . Kent stayed in the hospital over night . We started doing cocaine and such . Things start getting kinda bad Kent then got real sick almost died . But was able to pull through . we moved again to Earlville near my family . But still things went on Kent learned to rock his own rock worked two jobs . Thadius was then three when we found out we were expecting our second child well I stopped the drugs but Kent did not get ended up over dosing and the county corner was called to my house where he pronounced Kent dead and as they were zipping up the body bag Kent sat up and said what are you doing . They told him what happened . He refused to go to the hospital . The next day I broke his pipe and test tube he cooked it in and told him if he wanted his family he get us away from this drug where he couldn't get it anymore . So off to the show me state we went . where I was seven months pregnant with our second baby . To start a new life . And boy total culture shock to us both .
© Little Girl Lost 2020
© Lost Little Girls Smile!