

Shadows in the light
People have looked down on me most of my life. An they never had to say a word, I could here there thoughts especially negtive thoughts toward me.. Those were always the strongest .. Now were talking primal thoughts, more on the level of emotional information. So dont ask me what number thinking or something like that.. Its doesn't work like that it more instinct based. I learned very early that it made people very uncomfortable. An it effected me to, especially around alot of people. Crowds would in a way gave me information over load.. So to a certain degree I managed learn to block most of it. Then in high school I found alcohol an weed an it completely numb me to this. An I thought this is so great I can actually be in a crowd an not feel overwhelmed. Which of course this led down the road of trying other things. Deeper an more additive things to block my intuitive nature. Now this is a backdrop to were shawdow work comes in, An what started me on my path. Shadow Work does not mean worshiping the dark forces or Satan. But in order to turn the darkness into light some of us came here to transmute that darkness into light. An some of us had to go pretty deep into the darkness. Almost to the point were we got lost an couldn't find the path again.. an also to hide some them from evil entities. That would remove them from this plan of existence if they new their true purpose. Until the right time. Best place to hide from evil is wrapped in sin an darkness. Using their tactics against them so to speak. Another reason is so we could bring the darker beings an lost souls back to the light. This is why we call are addictions an obsessions demons. These are demons an lost souls an they drain your life force little by little an it starts to show in premature aging, health conditions an so on.. but the can only influence. The decision is yours in the end an I know the heaviness of there influences. They also seed doubt an fear in your mind. An the more you entertain these negative an self destructive thi, like I'm not good enough or whats the point. The heavier there influences becomes... By overcoming these things we increase the light an raise the vibrational of the whole world concussness an the planet. An that is what truly matters. There are higher light beings that want to see this planet on its best possible timeline.I'm not going to go to deep into that lets just say that there are higher beings both light an dark,good an evil. Higher in the sense of both technology an spirituality. An are ancestors called them angels an demons. Which in a way they still are. The light beings believe there is their is one infinite creator/God. An work towards the light,love,peace, an peace for the universal good. Although the dark beings believe in an AI God. Lets Not dive into that subject, not now anyway. Back to the main point shadow workers is important work. Your road my have been rough an believe me I know the darkness all to well. Remember even in the deepest darkness, the love an light of the one infinite creator will find you, if you truly want it in your life it will be there to lift you out of the darkness. May the light always shine on the children of light. May the one infinite creators wisdom guide you on you path.

PS. All pictures are mine an were taken at my home, they are real . Look at them closely, I guarantee there's wierd in every one I post. They may not be related to the story in an anyway. Just something extra so make sure you look at them closely.

© TomT