

The Mysterious Forest

Edgor doesn't like the idea of going behind his parents like that but agrees with the plan as Edgor was looking for an opportunity to prove himself responsible enough to go hunting alone and he believed this to be his chance.  That night they lay in their corner of the cave while Vanilla and Tuxedo slept near the cave opening so then they could protect their cubs in the night.  Edgor and Raven pretended to sleep while waiting for Vanilla and Tuxedo to fall asleep.

An hour passed and Raven opened one of his eyes and Tuxedo and Vanilla seemed to be asleep so he opened his other eye to get a better view.  Raven decided they were asleep and nudged Edgor with his front left paw to make sure he was awake.  Edgor opened his eyes a little surprised while Raven was getting up.  Raven and Edgor stretched out their backs and walked quietly towards Vanilla and Tuxedo.  They sneaked quietly past them and out onto the grass, they looked up at the pretty night sky at the shiny moon and at the sparkling stars that reflected in the lake in front of them.  They crossed the lake and headed deep into the forest not too far away from their prey.

Now this forest is pretty mysterious, the trees are watching them as they walk by and guiding them away from anything dangerous that could attack two vulnerable cubs walking alone at night.  The trees in the forest comunicate to each other by waving their branches at each other, they can also create paths by shedding their leaves.  The trees try to direct them home but they keep on walking.  As they keep on walking they loose track of time and the sun begins to rise.  Edgor asks Raven if he knows where he's going and Raven thought Edgor knew being the eldest so they come to realise that they're lost, they begin to look for their tracks but they can't find which one's were there's.
Vanilla wakes up from the sun shining in her eyes and looks over towards where the cubs usually sleep and they're not there, she wakes up Tuxedo by nudging him with her front right paw to see if he knows where Edgor and Raven have gone.  He didn't have any idea he thought they were just taking a morning swim in the lake just outside the cave, Vanilla went to look outside, around the cave.  She felt like they had ran off in the night and got lost and worried that they could be in danger.  Tuxedo waited inside the cave waiting for her to return, Vanilla came back and told Tuxedo that she couldn't find them anywhere so was going to look inside the forest Vanilla told Tuxedo to stay at the cave in case they returned.

Vanilla began searching for them everywhere she thought they could be including trees as she taught them to climb so they could hide or pounce on their prey.  While Edgor and Raven had no idea how to find their way home.  Vanilla was trying to track them with her strong senses while looking for their tracks in the dirt and flakes of bark on the forest floor, it lead her closer to them but Vanilla knew that she would have to ask the trees for guidance to find them.  Vanilla looked up at the trees and bowed before them, the trees in the forest saw Vanilla now before them and showed her the way by pointing by pointing their roots in the direction of her cubs until she found them.

When Vanilla saw Edgor and Raven curled up by the tree she sprinted towards them to make sure they were both okay.  At that point the sun was up high in the sky and Vanilla bought them back to the cave safely.  When they got back to the cave they were greeted by Tuxedo standing tall in the middle of the cave.

Tuxedo was happy to see his family back but was also very mad with Edgor and Raven for running away in the night.  Edgor and Raven we're both so happy to be home but also worried about how their father would react about their escape.  Tuxedo hugged them, he was happy they were okay and then he stepped away staring through Edgor and Raven's eyes into their soul.  Edgor and Raven gulped in their throats and bowed in guilt with their tail between their small legs.  Edgor and Raven realised that they shouldn't have scared their parents like that and Vanilla refused to take them hunting with her that day.

Instagram: _unicorn.fish_
©Lydia 2023