

Vegan Trends
In 2021 Go vegan Go healthy
These days there is a trend of vegan diet all over the world. ... It is not only a kind of vegetarian diet, but it is also a step ahead. Vegan diet also includes meat and eggs along with dairy products like milk, curd, ghee, mawa, paneer, etc. is also excluded from the diet chart. Only things like grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes and dry fruits can be eaten in this diet.

There are many misconceptions about vegan diet. People get confused about the fact that vegan means vegetarian diet, while this is not a reality. In such a situation, it is very important to know what kind of diet it is. Today we will tell you all the important things related to vegan diet.

For the past few years, the tradition of celebrating World Vegan Day has been started across India on November 1. In this diet a person can only include things like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, pulses, dry fruits. You cannot eat milk and milk products in this diet. Experts suggest that cows use a lot of fresh water to grow vegetables to feed and feed water, which is causing environmental damage. This is the reason why the vegan diet prohibits the consumption of everything prepared from animal meat or milk. According to this diet, if you are removing meat, milk and eggs from your food, then it is necessary to include fruits, vegetables, whole grains in the diet for a balanced diet. Also, to get vitamins, protein, fiber etc., there is a need to bring variety in food. So it is important to take care of these things. Interestingly, many celebrities also follow this diet, including names ranging from Virat Kohli to Mallika Sherawat.
As per the Times of India When they spoke to Mallika about this, she said, "Yes, it is true that I have been on vegan diet for a long time and feel very fresh and fit. I have difficulties living abroad. Vegan food products are less available there but still I am completely satisfied with this diet. But staying in India, Vegan diet can be easily followed. '

Well here are some new trends in vegan food industry in 2021
To stay healthy and fit, people follow different types of diet, one of them is plant based diet. Health experts say that in 2021, people will be more inclined towards plant-based diet. Dieticians and nutritionists call plant-based diet the most beneficial for the body.

1) Plant-based meat - Plant-based meat will also be in demand in the year 2021. In this, plant-based food is prepared exactly like meat. America's Beyond Meat announced a plant-based meat burger in early 2021 that would have 55 percent less fat than meat. People are expected to like the new test of Just Egg Folded and Soybean Vegan Chicken made from Moong in Plant Based Meat.

2) Plant based Snacks- If you like eating snacks, you can also add new spicy snacks to the list of plant based food. Snacks made with black beans, paprika, oats, almonds and bananas are slowly becoming popular among people. It is delicious as well as healthy to eat.

3) Plant-based probiotics- Vegan yogurt and almond yogurt can also be tried in the year 2021 in place of dairy-based yogurt. Many types of healthy drinks will be made from probiotics. Health experts say that probiotic drinks will be more popular in the year 2021. These drinks will also serve to enhance the flavor and immunity.

4) Vegen ingredients - Many types of ingredients are used in cooking. In 2021, demand for those ingredients which are made from vegetarian things is likely to be more. Especially, those who follow the best diet of the plant will have high demand for it. Such as Vegan Mayo made with avocado oil, plant based sauce, vegan salad dressing and coconut milk cream.

5) Herbal vegan drinks- In addition to alcohol free drinks, herbal drinks will also be trending in the year 2021. These drinks relieve fatigue and stress and strengthen the immune system. Low calorie drinks calm the mind and it also helps to sleep well. Dietician Carey Gaines says, "These herbal drinks are low in sugar and calories, which increase energy, improve digestion and benefit the body in many ways."

Well these were few vegan trends that came in India in 2021 after the bird flu.
Would you like to switch to the vegan diet ?
Do comment below about what you think about this trend.

© Vartika Modi