

Heartbeat chapter 1
Theadora's POV

"What have I even done?" he yells.

"You haven't done anything! All I want to say is that this relationship isn't working and-"

"Isn't working? What do you even mean?" he cuts my words.

"We're breaking up." I crack, turn on my toes and walk to leave the class.

"Thea, wait!" he screams, his voice echoing in the empty classroom, but I don't turn back, I just walk. "Thea!" He grabs my hand and pulls me, forcing me to look up at him. "You are not leaving until you give me a proper reason." He demands, his eyes red with anger and hurt.

"I told you, this isn't working." I shake my head as a tear rolls down my eyes.

"And why isn't this working?" His voice breaks and his eyes are full of tears.

It feels bad, really bad. Making someone whom you love cry because the reason is you.

I close my eyes and take a deep breath. "Are you with someone else?" He croaks making me look at him with wide eyes.

"No! I'm not. I - I can't..." I shake my head repeatedly as the warm tears roll down my eyes.

"Then why?" He whispers.

Because I don't want to see you getting hurt!

I look down at my feet and close my eyes.

"I can't give you an answer to that." I weep.

"What? Thea if I made any mistake then I'm sorry. But don't.... Don't leave me." I can see tears gathering up in his eyes.

It hurts, it really hurts! But I can't do anything.

I can't.

"Goodbye Austin." I crack and turn on my heels to leave.

Austin Lancaster, age twenty four, studying Astrophysics in Harvard University and..... every girl's dream. Tall, handsome, muscular, caring, kind, polite, respectful, and so on. My ex boyfriend to add. All girls want him but guess what? He wants me and I am quite proud of that! I know he still wants me and trust me, I want him too but I can't stay with him.
I can't give him the life with me which he has always dreamt of.
I just want him to be happy, with a girl who can be with him throughout his life.

No with someone who will leave him in the middle.

And that someone, would be me.

Now, since I have left him, I think I can survive the rest of my life by looking at his pictures.


I am Theadora Smith, twenty two years old and studying Economics in Harvard University. I have always got everything that I wanted since my childhood. Yep, my family is Rich. Not boasting off, but I am satisfied with what I have. I am not that typical rich girl who like to boast off and look down upon people. I am always kind to people and I like to see my closed ones happy.

My parents have given me everything that I needed from my childhood.

But can they give me life?

Can they give me a happy life with a happy ending?

The answer would always remain no.


I exit the classroom, shivering and with a pool of tears streaming down my eyes. I walk to the washroom and lock myself in the toilet.

I didn't want to lose him, not after what happened to me. 

But who wants a weak and diseased girl who doesn't have much time?

I'm not saying that Austin will not want me after I tell him what has happened to me. I know he'll care more and will be more protective towards me because he loves me but it scares me. He'll ruin his studies because of me and I don't want that to happen.

I hear a  knock on the door.

"Thea? Are you in there?" It's my best friend, Mia. We have been best friends since the age of ten. She can literally read me like a book. 

"Thea? Open the door!" She knocks again. I rub my tears and open the door.

"Why have you been crying?" She looks at me with a raised eyebrow.

"We broke up." I crack.

"What?! Have you told him what has happened to you? Does he know? If he broke up with you for your disease then I'll punch his nose u til it breaks!" She screams.

"No... He didn't break up with me. I did." I mutter.

"Are you out of you mind? Why would you do that?" Mia asks.

"Because I didn't want him to end things between us. That would hurt more." I reply.

"So you didn't even tell him about the disease." She shakes her head, crossing her arms in front of her chest.

I shake my head and sniffle.

"I know, you're afraid that he'll not want you." Mia whispers.

"Isn't it obvious? No one wants a sick girl." I sob.

"If Austin really loves you then he'll never leave you. Just tell him." she suggests.

"No... I can't." I shake my head.

"Then I respect your decision." she breathes. "Come on. Let's go." she wipes my tears as I sniffle once more.

I nod my head and we get out of the washroom.

(I'll update a new chapter tomorrow! Thanks for the votes Ily❤️)

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