

Unexpected Love (Chapter -3)

"Umm...Sis this one or that one? Which one do you think is the best? But I think this is good.... isn't it?" Ailee rambled while deciding which one to chose. But alisaa was getting annoyed because of her sis, who is being gabby right now.

She had neither the patience nor the tact for managing a loquacious little sister of her. Ailee doesn't even notice her sister's glare still keeps on choosing which phone to purchase. Ailee always takes too much time to purchase even small things, through comparing it, looking through pros and cons, and so on...

This is why alisaa is being pissed off, She is waiting for her for more than 2 hours to pick out a phone.

" Sisss....I like this model but green is too boyish isn't it? This is the only color available in this model.....Argh...what to do?" Ailee blabbered once again. That's the last straw for alisaa...

" Ailee you are getting on my nerve......Select anyone before I kick you out of the shop and I'm not gonna get you a phone if you dare to blabber again".

"Oh.....Sis okay you might have told me before that I pissed you off...sis I'm so sorrrrry......" said Ailee

" I think this one is good because it has all the features which I need... And also color doesn't matter" said Ailee

"Okay then let's proceed to check out," said alisaa

Ailee and Alisaa got into the car... While driving, Alisaa asked, " So how was the interview, did you get selected?"

" Yeah I did..... but tommorow is the important interview in which our post will be alloted. I hoping to be Secretary of CFO.... So that I can able to get to be a part in projects, in those cases I can get more experience in accounting as well as auditing" said Ailee

" I hope everything goes well.... Hey, why don't we stop by to eat ice cream? You know it's been a while. What do you say" said Alisaa.

" Obviously.... I won't say No to ice cream" both the girls giggled and got off the car to devour their ice cream.

***In FSW Organization***

"Mr.Cooper, Tomorrow morning send Miss. Ailee patez to my cabin for interview"

"Yes Mr.Fernandez... Any else you need sir" asked Mr.Cooper

"Nah.. This much is enough"

"Okay, then Mr.Fernandez... I will take my leave" said Mr.cooper and went off.

"You shouldn't have mess with me Ailee patex. You will regret every second in your life," said Mr.Fernandez to himself and smirked. Let see what the future holds.


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