

What have I done if the only one I love continues ignoring me?
If a person you adore chooses to disregard you, puts you out in the cold, decidedly and purposefully, they achieve this understanding it's going to harm and misery you.

It cuts your capacity to debate, communicate, to have a voice. It acts to silence you and render you impotent.
It is rectified.

There’s no love in the silent treatment. Love reveals approaches returned to love, to simply accept differences. Love maintains talking. Love is honest, giving, and accepting even if challenged.

Love does now no longer make your experience on your own or area give up your mouth. Love does now no longer inform you of the phrases to mention or the way to be. Love is being who you're and being loved on your value, your qualities, and the failings, now no longer regardless of them.

Love shouldn’t damage.

© sinkala precious