

Full Moon
"I'll be going out for a snack." Was what he said before stepping out that cold January evening.

I smiled, gave approval,then went back to sewing. The machine hummed easily, piecing together the garment I was making. Trisha's birthday was on the 3rd of February, roughly three weeks from now. She was my best student in class and Brian's rival in academic excellence.
It was a known fact in the school that my son Brian and Trisha were the top geniuses, earning the school a spot on the list of top beats schools in Georgy. We all expected that by now their love story would have began to spin but ohh no, Brian frowned at the thought, saying Trisha was not attractive and extremely full of herself.

I lifted the garment and admired it, thoughtfully praising myself for the amazing work I had put into making her a gift. I glanced outside once through the window, the moon was full and much bigger than usual. What date was it today again?

I moved from the machine to the ironing board and that was when I heard it, low and distant, it was a howl. Almost immediately, the phone rang, I dropped the iron and rushed to the phone. Trisha's land line.

"Hello? Mrs Vee?"
Her voice was unsettling. It quaked and I knew that something was off. Something is not right.

"Yes? Are you alright? Where's Trisha?"

"Trisha's...." She began to weep. I could hear noises in the background and then that howl came again. "Trisha's gone Mrs Vee.....we.....we..... found blood.....and.....and....ohhh God, it's horrible.... It's horrible...." She wailed.

I hung up and snatched the calendar from the wall. Friday the 13th was circled in red ink. I had done that, I remember. It was the night of the full blood moon.

"Ohh Brian, ohh Brian..."

Grabbing a coat from the hanger, I picked up the car key and ran outside towards the car. "Brian... Brian... Brian, I shouldn't have let you out..." I got in and started the car.

Trisha was obviously dead, Brian might be next if he wasn't careful. I mean, I don't think the city would take it lying down if they found out that my son was a warewolf.

© Leo_kitti