

Diamond Mom quickly called the police and said Hi my name is Jewel Harris and my daughter diamond has been KIDNAPPED Jewel dropped to floor and started abusing herself and crying she remembered when Diamond said she was at a abandon church and the only abandon Jewel could think about was the one downtown so she ran to her car and started drinking recklessly causing car wrecks and she even almost hit a homeless man Jewl was driving for a long time she didn't make it there till night and all she could think about was Diamond.But Diamond was finding her way out,she pulled and pulled her arm away from the bed and soon enough it broke Diamond grabbed her phone and ran outside the room but she didn't know which way to go because it was a whole hallway with rooms going down- she walked in the room next to the one she was into, Diamond opened the door slowly and saw a girl sitting there "help me please" Shhhhh said Diamond so now Diamond is kicking the cuffs hard enough for them to break after 5whole minutes they broke.Diamond asked the girl what her name was she replied and said Olivia,Diamond helped her up and they ran down the whole hallway until they saw a man then they quickly ran into a empty room,then the man walked into the room the exact room Diamond and Olivia was in.

© Nãrã$iã

I just wanted to say thank you to @Yashasvi because I don't think i could have wrote this without you thank you