

head space
It's been country boy living my past my future and in between. didn't wake up in a prison maybe it was just a bad dream.
but when I look around i realize my demise is real. it's not a numbness I turn on I just don't want to feel
but lately I do. less accustomed to loneliness askin myself yo my man wtf is wrong with u.
vulnerabilities a bitch that shit just smacks ya in the face. and then ur brain can't tell ur heart to harden up just in case.
wanna talk about scary that shit gets real quick. if u miss it do u bury it or dwell and roll one up thick.
idfk but I do know this. I'm not the person that I was that dudes nothing to miss.
if I can figure out my head that's one less step to go. fuck the lying all that dumb shit u lose it all that way ya know.