

The Hello Man Prologue
A long time ago, back in 1985 lived a family of 3 in a huge mansion, The mother, Lilly, The father, Stan and their son, Tony Wilson. The mansion was huge and was located somewhere around Texas. Tony was in grade 8 and was 15 years old. He loved to watch scary movies, his favorite movie was Friday the 13th. Tony was a friendly and cool type of guy. He had a lot of friends. Every time when Tony saw his friends, family, people he knew and even strangers, he would always say, “Hello” to them. Hello was a magic word for him. He said it to everyone he met.
On the 27th of June Tony was sleeping in his bed. He was dreaming about him standing in the middle of a desert. It was raining blood. He saw a black ghost like floating spirit. The spirit was floating towards him while saying in a deep dark creepy voice, “I'm coming to take you home boy, I can see your true future, come with me boy, you're soul is gonna be in grave danger if you you don't ”. Just when the spirit wanted to take him, his mom woke him up for school. “Mom!, I was having a wonderful dream” said Tony to his mother angrily and a little sleepy. "Oh really, where did the dream take place dear?" asked his mom while she took his laundry. Tony said that it took place in his very own wonderland of terror. “Well its time to get ready for school dear.” replied his mom while walking out of his room. A while later Tony was sitting at the kitchen table all dressed up for school in his school uniform. He was eating breakfast with his mom. He asked his mom where his dad was this early in the morning. His mom answered, “Dad went to work early today to catch a psycho who killed a thousand of people.” “What is so interesting about catching a psychopath and what makes this particular psycho so interesting” asked Tony to his mom. His mom answered “Well the interesting fact about this guy is that he was shot 3 times by the police in the chest and once between his eyes and he survived it and got away”. Hopelessly Tony whispered to himself, “I hope dad comes home tonight”.
Then all the sudden his mom got a call from the Central Intelligence Agency. She answered it and a C.I.A agent began talking. “Stan told me to tell you that he will not come home tonight, because the psychopath he and his crew was chasing got away again and he said he will not rest until the psycho dies.” After the entire call Tony and his mother was quiet for a little while. Tony later stood soundless up from the table and grabbed his school bag. He told his mom that he was going to school. His mom said good bye and he said it back.
After a silent walk Tony finally arrived at the school. His friends or his gang as liked to call them was already waiting for him. “Hello Gang!” yelled Tony from a small distance away from his friends while walking up to them. After a long conversation with his friends the bell rang for the first period. The first period Tony had Maths. When he sat down on his chair, his teacher, Ms Valentine, gave them a 150 point test. Tony felt a little of a cold wind inside of his body, because he forgot to study, well that won't actually be a problem for him, because he was one of the smartest kids in his grade. When school was over he walked straight home. When he got home he yelled, “Hello I'm home!” and got straight busy with homework. After those terrible history and english homework he had to finish he went out to visit one of his friends. It was getting dark while he was still walking to his friend's house.
All the sudden while he was still walking he saw his dad's C.I.A car parked in front of a poor looking house. He walked to the house and knocked on the door. There was no answer so he went in anyway. Then he saw his dad shooting at a dead man's head over and over. He's dad looked at him and said, “This is what happens when someone kills for a living for fun, they get punished the extreme hard way”. Tony's dad walked out of the door. Tony saw a knife with a brown handle and a red blade in the dead man's left hand. He quickly took the knife and followed his father. Tony asked his him if that man was the psycho everyone was talking about and his father replied that it was him. Just when Tony started to walk home his dad asked him for a lift back home and he replied, “Sure, why not.” Tony walked up to the car and climbed in. While his dad was driving them home he asked Tony why he was at that house and Tony answered his dad that he wanted to visit one of his friends. When they got home they sat down at the kitchen table for dinner. Tony asked his father why he has so many tipes of dangerous weapons in the garage. His dad answered that he needed the weapons for when his guns got lost while being on a mission. That night in bed before Tony went to sleep he looked at that red knife he took secretly from the dead man. He later hid it under his bed and went to sleep where he began to dream. He was standing in the middle of hell, a place where the entire ground was on fire and he was somehow fire immune. He saw a red Demon with red eyes, with red wings and with a red tail with a hammer on the end of it's tail. The red Demon said that it's name was Demo. He told Tony the legend of the red curse knife.
“I had a demon son once who died years ago. So I possessed my son's soul into a knife. Now anyone who the knife belongs to will get the powers of my son and that person will kill for me for the rest of his life, well until he dies, but I increased the powers of the curse so chances of that to happen is 15%.”

All the sudden Tony woke up from the hellish world, then he realised that place was no hell, but the Underworld itself. He looked at the time, 3 o clock in the morning! He immediately went back to sleep. Later he was dreaming of his real wonderland of terror, the desert where it rain blood, the world home to zombies, spirits, vampires and more classic horrifying legendary creatures who Tony could say hello to, but then his mom had to wake him up for school. So yeah he got ready for school, ate breakfast and said goodbye to his mom and dad.
Just when he walked out of the door, two strangers wearing black clothes with each a gun in their hands was standing in front of the door. “Hello“ greeted Tony to the two gentlemen, but the one guy pulled out his gun in front of Tony's forehead and said “Say hello for the devil for me in hell!” Then the gun went off. Bang!!! Tony fell on the floor with a bullet in his forehead. The last thing he saw and heard was his father also falling dead on the floor and the screaming of his mother.

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