

A cup of cappuccino
He texted "Looking forward to see you at 6pm."
"Yeah, same here." I replied.
It was a hectic day and I was running late. I wore the red shirt quickly, applied some lip gloss and headed towards the bus stop. I took a bus to Deccan and reached there few minutes early. I sat on a bench nearby waiting for him. 10 minutes later he called and asked "Where are you?"
I looked around and spotted him. We waved and shared smiles. He was looking smart in attractive checks, and agreeable. Deciding a place to meet was a bit of argument and finally 'Cafe Kathaa' it was. 7th of July 2019, Sunday evening and the beautiful monsoon weather all integrated for a perfect date. The cafe was sort of vintage and dull, however the lights and the lanterns did a pretty good job. The breeze carried the fragrance of affection today.
We took our seats, which weren't comfortable at all but spending 3 hours together, adjusting ourselves didn't seem an effort. We ordered a pizza Genova for us, and a cup of cappuccino for me. It seemed as if he wasn't into coffee but it was acceptable. Initially the awkward 'meeting for the first time' silence existed but gradually it turned out into a long and interesting conversation. The songs playing in the background added essence to all this. It all felt too good. I looked him into his eyes admiring him, then glanced at the interior of the cafe and was altogether mesmerised. It was a book cafe with perfect ambience, mediocre food and a certain vibe. A vibe of falling in love. Three hours felt inadequate. I was totally in love with the space, the acquaintance and ofcourse craved for more of it. That's how it all started.
Few other meetings, lovely chats and the beauty of knowing each other. But it all existed for a short while, it all started fading eventually. I started parting myself from it because I have hardtime moving on. His presence in my life was certainly splendid but a riddle. Just like the cafe, he played the role of a beautiful lantern in my dull life.
After all these days as I indulge into the reminiscence, I wish I never lived any moments with him. It would have been better if I never took that bus to a short love story I lived. All these years my belief in beautiful things was now turning into nothingness. I never wanted it to end, but somehow it all ends sooner or later.
