

An Eagle -Fighter
Hi friends in this part let me write about the leading skill.One of the predominant skill which is required rightnow .Nowadays leadership plays a vital role.Without this skill nothing is possible.With the growth of human civilization the concept leadership is growing.
Leader is one who influence the group members.How to influence others?Only through rational behaviour.Behaviour is secondary,But thinking is primary.What kind of thinking .Is again a question?.Is it a rational or irrational.?A logical and smart thinking is significant.In this competitive senario smart style of working is better than harworking .
Leaders are not born,everyones has some inborn quality .Through self awareness that has to find out, early attention must be given and train them.Later all this training help to showcase invisible traits into visible.Hence the quality eduacation and experience are the nutshell of a great leaders.
Leader is like a captain of ship.Lead like an eagle.Eagle fly very high altitude even during rainy season or heavy strom..whatever occurred never hide..fly with spirit.leaders also keep up his persistance untill achieved the mission.Its gets the individual identity to them.True leader never say excuse.Eagle's attitude is not grouping with sparrows,ravens.It independently fly.Leader is the star of the show.He is incharge for everything.Whatever happens eagle never focus on other's prey.Eagle never eat dead animals ,its always eat fresh meat.Like eagle ,leader never compromise .They always come out with new thoughts,new approch frequently.Nobody can judge the move of a leader.Leader knows the way,goes the way and shows the way.He must know what is the exact destination?When to start ?What is the route?.
The success of business depend upon leaders only.Leaders are like one man show.We came across eminent leaders like Mahatma gandhi,Asoka ,the emperor,Alexander,the great.e.t.cEveryone has strong background.Thats why the history of these warriors become epics.Every one inspired us in one or other way.
People are not ready to accept everyone as a leader.Their personality is also a main factor which create a good impression.Leaders must inspire others.Firstafall a leader is a good follower.When good people rule ,people start rejoice,if bad people have authority ,people will groan.
The leader is an iconic figure.They must have some unique traits .First the leader is always be honest,must unstandand others point of view.The way he communicate is short and crispy.He must see the possibility in all situation.He accept the critics with positive mind.
All the leaders are not adopting same style of approach.All are unique and exclusive .Different type of leadership styles are available .They are Authoctatic style ,Democratic style ,Charismatic style .
Everyone has leading quality.some realise that soon ,some are not.Early awareness and training help to mold and shape their personality.To be leader is not easy ,many quality it demand.First Self disciple,Matured way of thinking ,Self control ,No more fixed mind set,long term vision is needed.
If you work hard .you become a leader,if you feel lazy ,you become slave. Decide yourself?The ball is in your court?😘👍