

Betting on a Loser, Pt 1
Bart walked into Shelly's Bar and Grill and found his stool, he then ordered a rum and Coke from Martha. He was glad it was Martha behind the bar tonight! Forgeview, Maryland was the sleepy little town where everybody knew everybody.

But thats when Rhonda came to town, just to stir up trouble....When the woman sitting beside him struck up a conversation and asked Bart, "You married?". Bart thought, this usually is never a good sign before the first drink. So he replied, "Not yet, but she's the love of my life. And one day I'm gonna marry her." Rhonda, he soon found out that was her name, said she wasn't looking for anything but a good time. As Rhonda mulled over her dry martini, she said she hadn't been in town for long, explaining how bored and lonely she was...

Bart went on to tell Rhonda about Emily, his girlfriend of 11 months. He explained how beautiful she was, and all about the reasons he loved her. Rhonda asked, "Why are you here alone, if your girlfriend is so beautiful and great!" Well, she works alot... Bart explained, "Because the babies always came first." Soon, Rhonda learned that Emily was a NICU nurse...

"Does anything exciting ever happen around here", Rhonda asked? Changing the subject, hastily.

"Here?", Bart asked. "There usually some form of excitement here on the regular, but its only Tuesday..." It had occurred to him that he actually enjoy being at Shelly's Bar. Especially when it was not a busy night. But he soon learned that tonight was going to be a night he would never forget. Much to his surprise, the night had just now begun!

That's when in walked Willy, the town drunk, and he walked over and sat at the other end of the bar. Ordering two whiskeys, Willy gulped the first one down within seconds. Proceeding to pick up the second shot glass, he downed the second whiskey in rapid succession. Thats when he noticed Rhonda sitting at the other end of the bar, beside Bart. Without a second thought, Willy ordered another round of two whiskeys. Rhonda noticed him, not because of his good looks. But because of his boots that were worn, filthy, and tattered! Rhonda said to Bart, "Who is he?"

Bart said, "Who, him?" as he pointed at Willy. He's a contractor, and a father of triplets. He comes here every day after work, Bart explained. To unwind and forget all his troubles before heading home to his wife and kids.

"So, that explains the worn and filthy boots.", Rhonda retorted... For a minute, he looked like some drunken loser I used to know. "I bet his wife is beautiful!" Rhonda stated. He's far too handsome to be single!

Bart replied, "Oh, yes... She's drop dead gorgeous." But the triplets are taking a toll on their marriage. So he comes here to blow off the steam from his workday before heading home! "I bet the triplets are taking a toll on more than their marriage." said Rhonda. Thats gotta be difficult, in more ways than one, for sure! I'm betting that they never get any alone time... "Finances gotta be tough too.", she said.

Bart soon told Rhonda all about Willy and his wife, Jill. Rhonda learned after a few moments that Jill was a writer, who was working on her third book; while staying home to care for the triplets. The triplets were about to turn 3 soon, and Rhonda found out that Jill loved writing just as much as she loved her kids.

© Miranda J. Ortiz