

The first time he holds you, a promise is made for a man to change .A commitment he's never given before. To be there and provide for. He knows the next part of his life is for him to be the shade , while his back burns against the sun. But never flinch, and just smile , making it seems like it's all fun.
He becomes the rock you lean on, making sure all his jagged edges are chiseled to smoothness for u to lie with comfort. He becomes the ladder for u to step on, so that u catch those dreams nestled high up in the sky. He becomes your biggest admirer, dancing in glory for all your victories. And when push comes to shove , he steps in front of the world , shielding you from all that you still aren't ready to face ..
We have the habit of taking him for granted, overlooking his efforts,not realizing that only this man is in your corner , helping you to shape your life . We often disregard his unsaid feelings,his unexposed emotions because we except him to be strong.

Go give him a hug,for he has nothing to gain except your love. The promise that he made still holds true. For he is the father ,the hero, the man who will always come through for u....

- Riki Prasad
© failed to inspire