

The God We Love to deny✍️.
The God we love to deny✍️
Why is there so much debate today about the existence of God and about the trueness of the bible?.

Why the so much controversies?
Hath the Bible any claims yet proven false By science?...no not even one.

Why then do many wrest it contents and refuse to receive it's message as they have willingly received the message of other written work's from antiquity? Works like

The epic of Gilgamesh
Nag hammadi
The republic, Anied, Iliad etc

Is it because the Bible claims and have proven to be of a divine origin?.
Is it because it claims to be innerant?.
Is it because it calls all men to kiss the son Psalms 2:12 to avoid the coming wrath of God upon all who rather want to be gods over themselves and over others?
Is it because it makes a demand of Everyman to submit self and self-will to the doing of God's will By his word 📖?
Do men hate God or Hates what he demands of us?
Does God need anything from us to hate him?, Rather What has he said 👇
The Acts 7:49 "’Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. What kind of house will you build for me? says the Lord. Or where will my resting place be?
The Acts 7:50 Has not my hand made all these things?’ [^12]
The Acts 7:51 "You stiff-necked people! Your hearts and ears are still uncircumcised. You are just like your ancestors: You always resist the Holy Spirit!
Acts 7:48 "Yet ye forget that the Most High does not live in houses made by human hands. As the prophet says:

Hath God any need for And from us?.

Why is it burdensome to flee our evil wild Way's to submit to living Righteous, holy and in loving our neighbors as ourselves?.

Men are not Ignorant of the existence of God, they only hate What submitting to God seems to cost them👇
No cheating
No killing
No living wild
Do to others What you want done to you
Submit to One another in Love
Acknowledge me your God.
Submit your evil stony heart's and self will living.
Imitate Jesus.
Forsake self.
Flee anything sinful
Come to the Cross of Christ for salvation.
Live for eternity ✍️.
Be lead By the spirit And refuse to be ruled By the flesh.
Align your will to the doing of God's will Amen✍️.

shall we not live better by these standards? and best of all enter God's eternal rest?.
Amen ✍️.