

Roxanne Callahan
Roxanne Callahan was born in Memphis Tennessee on April 30 1940 Roxanne is a racist white woman who hates black people. One day Calvin Murphy and Catherine Murphy was planning a dinner party at Catherine’s house and all of their friends were supposed to be there but somebody called Roxanne Callahan and told her to come over but it seems like that person had forgotten to mention one thing to Roxanne on the phone it was a few black people there. Roxanne came over Catherine’s house she knocked on Catherine’s door and Calvin opened it he tried to shake her hand but Roxanne denied it she called Calvin a nigger and didn’t care about his name and she wasn’t going to shake his hand. Catherine Murphy has known Roxanne Callahan for many years when Roxanne was a little girl her and her family has never been around black people her father use to torture black people and he will brainwash her about how bad black people were. Roxanne’s father had died when Roxanne was 29 years old and her mother died when Roxanne was 33 years old now Roxanne is 84 years old she still hasn’t learned anything in life she just stayed as a bitter racist elderly woman. Roxanne doesn’t have nobody in her life her husband died due to heart failure and her daughter wants her money only Roxanne’s daughter uses her she asks for money everyday none stop if Roxanne gives her daughter money her daughter will come see her and take care of her but if Roxanne doesn’t give her daughter any money that means her daughter won’t come see her and take care of her at all her daughter will get angry with her. Roxanne spoiled her daughter and her daughter doesn’t really treat her right. Roxanne has less friends she isn’t really popular not many people talks about her but she was very rude towards Calvin at the dinner party Calvin didn’t really understand Roxanne because she was racist. In the morning Catherine found Roxanne laying on her couch not feeling good she was sick she was screaming and hollering that she kept seeing the devil Calvin wanted to call his uncle to do an exorcist but that isn’t really needed this was something major but he was on vacation with his family and Catherine decided to called the ambulance. The nurse told Calvin and Catherine that Ms. Callahan did not have much long to live and she was dying Ms. Callahan was 84 years old she has now reached her limit her time was up. Ms. Callahan kept hollering and yelling it’s something that she is seeing but other people can’t see she keep seeing the devil in her eyes but everybody else couldn’t see the devil the only person who could see the devil was Roxanne Callahan. The nurse came back and told Calvin and Catherine that Ms. Callahan had died and her last words that she said before she died was my soul is going to burn.

Family Lay’Nee Richardson (Mother Deceased)
Richard Richardson (Father Deceased)
Gordon Richardson (Brother Deceased)
Antler Holt (Sister Deceased)
Kathleen Metrolleum (Sister)
Jack Richardson (Brother)
Mary Jackson (Sister)
Betty Packers (Sister)
Harold Richardson (Brother)
Curtis Callahan (Husband Deceased)
Rosie Callahan (Daughter)

Enemies Calvin Murphy, Catherine Murphy, Wellford Holtzclaw, and Dan Jackson
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