

Self respect
It means pride confidence a person has in ownself. Back bone of self respect is knowing your value and living them. If you do something againts your values it thrashes your self respect. Begging for the love care infront of the person who is not even want you to be with them is act of defending self respect. Cross the limits of values not only hurts you but also lead to lack in self esteem, it leads you to be hard on yourself, it leads to giving up the power to grow. When a person acts or behaviour starts to break these values of yours its not worth living with that person. The more you be with them the more you lose your self respect and you end up seeing you are going far away from yourself.
A person should always have pride on acts he or she does which brings smile happiness and not on the acts which is only good for themselfs.
#selfrespect #selflove #Motivate