

she is a reflection of how you treat her
Have you ever been in this position where you are just gatvol with everything including family? well buckle up because this is going to be a rocky ride🤭 There's this girl who breaks my heart and her story is painful this is her story. She grew up believing there is more to her life than what she sees in a mirror yes she went through all sorts of trauma,pain,abuse,bulling you name it all. She thought that she would be fine as time goes by however, she began to grow with the pain until now; now she is faced with insults every single day by her parents wanting to fight with her even planning to make the whole family hate her she chose to find a mothers love outside because she doesn't know the mother's love I mean her mother buys her things and she sees it as I don't know "bribery", her mother never sits with her and talk to her bet her mom doesn't even know what happened for her child to be filled with rage like this her mom ignores sitting down with her child even taking her out she kept on wondering what is the mothers love, how do parents show they love their children. I mean all the mother always talks about is her brother you know your brother this your brother that busy praising her brother she begins to think that maybe her mother hates her I mean all her mother sees is a wild animal in front of her perhaps? There are days where she wishes she could just close her eyes and never wake up at all maybe by that time her parents will realize that she had enough of the abuse the insults each and everyday waking up to being a slave it hurts right? she is a child who had to grow up and be a younger woman and you know she is afraid to live life to the fullest like other teenager do out there because of her parents she sees it and she feels it. There are days where she just wants to pack her bags and find a new home maybe some parents will appreciate her and take her as their daughter without judging her or picking a fight with her as she is vulnerable. Her parents never understand her they just don't understand how the anger came about she fights with everyone it is her way of having a "backbone" she had to fight for her life at a young age her parents don't even know that all they care about is success of the child and the child thinks that she is already in debts because of her parents all they care about is school she know that once she is a millionaire they will come crawling telling her that she is what she is because of them. One thing her parents do not know is that she is a reflection of how they treated her she grew up with the pain as sensitive as she is she had to wear long dresses and doeks cleaned the house, washed the dishes, cooked while her parents kept looking yet she never heard her parents say thank you it was always complains after complains, insults after insults. She cried and pleaded to God asking him if this is another trial she fell down on her knees. she is afraid to live and feels suffocated because of her mom and her family she thought her mom would actually see that she is a broken child but instead she keeps on praising her brother more and more right to her face yet she says "she loves her children equally" the child cries everyday hoping for a better future a better family. Everyday is another story and she has had enoug! so instead of crying she fights she rather loose everyone than loose herself sometimes she sits alone wondering if whether her mom truly loves her or she's just using emotional blackmail by buying her things I mean the child never heard her name being praised all she heard was her being compared to her precious egg "the brother" guess the brother never had flaws neh? I mean she couldn't find love at all wherever she went so now she's asking if whether her mom is abusing her or actually is her showing love I guess we will never know right?


© amogelang serepong