

Time Illusion
Time Illusion: Sometimes time can make illusion in our life. Time can play with us, we can be fooled or make foolish by Illusion of time. At any point of time or Moment what we think is to be True may not be absolute truth and can not be valid after a long period of time. In a particular time or moment We can not receive each and every Dimension of our life and reality but only a single or few Dimensions can be perceived by us and based on those Dimensions we decide what is true and valid for us. What we give label to our life for a time being is temporary and reflection of that moment and time. So in any particular time the truth which is raised from us is momentary truth not a real truth. Every happening circumstances and situation is relative and matter of subjective so meaning of the situation which is extracted in a particular time is considered to be relative truth. In future the truth of present Moment or time can be false due to illusive power of time. The specific Dimension of Consciousness and the Dimension of our identity which is activated in a particular time let us decide and determine the truth we feel and hold for a particular moment, as we change and grow with time our truth also gets changed over the time.

© Arka Samanta