

A hospital room.

White walls, white sheets, white coats. A clock ticking on the wall. 18:45.

A woman lying on a bed. Sweating, panting, moaning. A man holding her hand. Whispering words of love and encouragement.

A doctor and a nurse. Checking the monitors, preparing the instruments. A voice saying “Push, push, you can do it”.

A sudden silence. Then a loud cry. A baby emerging from the womb. Covered in blood and vernix.

A pair of scissors cutting the cord. A pair of hands wrapping the baby in a blanket. A pair of eyes meeting the mother’s eyes. A smile saying “It’s a girl”.

A chorus of congratulations. A burst of tears and laughter. A feeling of relief and joy. A miracle of life.

The city outside the window. Cars honking, sirens wailing, people rushing. A sunset painting the sky in orange and pink.

~ time moves faster in the midst of euphoria.

© Yara.s