

vengeance is forgiveness
The noise was too loud, almost as if someone was using a drill machine in his head. He craned his head to relieve the cramp in his neck. When he couldn't move he realised where he was; in a coffin deep in the confines of an airplane...
then it all came back to him,the night before drinking, chatting to the group of women, more drinking followed and when he was invited to a 4 some of sexual pleasures he leapt at the opportunity.
but what happened next was the worst experience he had ever encountered, the boyfriend of one of the girls was a well known criminal and after an argument that he had tried to explain and avoid he was knocked unconscious and now here he was,he hoped he still had his phone but no,it was gone and he wasn't sure how long he had been here,air would run out eventually and he would suffocate if he wasn't released.he could tell it was an airplane because he could hear the roar of the engine's and knew that feeling of being airborne well enough from his day's as a parachute infantry reservist.but why?, that was the question that haunted his mind, why?,he didn't really have anything and despite the knowledge that the whole previous night had been a set up,he couldn't think of any reason to kidnap him, neither he nor his family were wealthy.
he tried pounding on the coffin lid and side's to attract the attention of someone he hoped desperately would hear it.
but such was that none did,he wasn't sure how long he had but panic began to flourish within and he kicked, punched, screamed for what must've been 1 hour solid but to no avail, his movements were restricted and no one was around to hear.he lapsed in and out of consciousness and knew that his frantically desperate attempts to escape had consumed precious air.
trying to calm himself he began slow, steady breaths and managed to get a better grip on himself,he just couldn't figure out why?.
eventually he must've passed out and not knowing if he would awaken again was the worst of it.
but he did awaken, handcuffed to a chain attached to a wall and then he saw and knew why?.
he recognised the place instantly but had assumed that his deeds, his crime had gone unpunished, never did he think that the people,women, some now old would have the means to exact vengeance, but they had ALL of them.
he realised that this was the end, that the cages holding All the rats was a reason and one by one each woman stepped up and cut him, not deeply but enough to send the horde of rats into a frenzy, each one,over 30 women in total had been tortured and raped by him and now it was payback, ignoring him and his pleas, his begging for mercy,for forgiveness the last woman smiling pulled on the chain that unleashed the rats, and as they rushed forward engulfing him,he actually wished he was back in the Belly of the airplane,secure in his coffin.
© 2020 k g Grayson