

The Book
I'm Elizabeth and right now my life isn't going very well. See, I found this book, it's no ordinary book. The book is black and the cover says Life/Death. I keep it in my carry bag because it's so fancy, I don't even write in it. Well that was of course until I found out the truth about it. Every page is separated into two categories, one side says life, the other side says death. I found this book in the basement of my local library, and the way that happened was when I went to the back of the library and the two double doors that are usually secured with locks were cracked open. I'm nosey so of course I went through those doors. I went down some awfully dusty stairs and was disappointed with what I saw. It was just a very large shelf with one book. I didn't want to come out of the basement without anything, so I took the book and hurried out. I ran through the double doors and the creepy librarian man scared the wits out of me. He was in furry and shouted, "why were you down there!, don't you see this sign kid!?" I looked at the sign and it read "Librarians Only". I hadn't seen it when I went through the first time but oh well, I said "well why is your sign so small dude?" he started walking up on me slowly as if he was trying to sniff me, I said "hey, back up will you!", the librarian then said "hey!, give me that freaking book!". I ran as if there was gonna be no tomorrow. My house is in a nearby neighborhood and it was pretty big and old, I live with my mom and dad but sadly my family was still trying to overcome my older sister Tina's death, she was in a very bad car accident that left her body decapitated. I walked through the front door tired as ever and walked to my room, totally forgetting the house safety rule "Lock The Door", I flopped down onto my bed and fell fast asleep. I woke up the next morning to mom shaking the life out of me saying "Elly wake up, it's time for you to go to school, eat breakfast and get ready.", I stand up lazily and wipe the sleepiness away from my eyes. I pick up the book that I had taken from the library and stuffed it right into my backpack, I did all of my morning hygiene and walked to mom and dad's room. She fell back asleep but dad was up looking sad while watching a football game, not at all excited like he used to be before Tina passed. I walked towards dad and gave him a big wet kiss on the cheek, he looked at me and smiled warmly, I smiled back. He said "ya know... I'll always love you Elly, same as I always have loved Tina." I said "I know dad, the energy is the same here." as I hugged him, I knew he was about to have an emotional breakdown, I gave mom a kiss and waved dad bye as he waved me back. I walked to the bus stop and seen two of my besties, Laura and Jessica, I started a conversation saying "well...guess what I have!." Laura says "a new bicycle!?." and then Jessica says "no Laura!, a new boyfriend?" I then say "both of you are incorrect, it's a book!", Jessica and Laura look at me as if I'm dumb as I pull the book out of my backpack. I take a pencil out with it and ask them if they could give me their autographs. Laura took the pencil and book and wrote her signature as she said "oooh spooky, I'm gonna write it under death.", after Laura was done Jessica took both the pencil and book saying "I can't be taking any chances.", I took the book and pencil back and stuffed it in my backpack. The bus finally came so I straightened up and got on, I like sitting in the very first seat to the left so that's were I sat, Laura sat beside me. I said "Laura your looking kind of sick today, whats up?.", I heard a disturbing reply come from her, it sounded like she said "help please!.", I said "what's wrong are you okay Laura?.". She started throwing up on me, but this was no regular episode, she was literally throwing up her INTESTINES!!! all over my lap. I screamed and screamed and screamed, everyone ran up screaming as the bus driver stopped the bus in the middle of the road. Jessica wasn't even screaming, she was looking at me in disgust, like I had ruined her whole life or something. Everybody was recording the incident and the police had came seven minutes later, taking Laura's lifeless body and putting her inside a body bag outside the bus, they had to take pictures and everything, everyone was investigated, patted down for dangerous drugs, and alot more. I knew it had to be the book, she literally wrote her name on death, now she's dead and I feel so guilty. Not only do I feel guilty for another life taken from this world, but now I feel like I'm responsible for Tina's death too. It's all written in The Book.