

Just let it be...
Today I saw these two equally old ladies looking out for holiday trip abroad. they looked curious maybe exited and also with lots of doughts. My eyes caught them but they didn't see me looking at them. As I looked at them I got caught up in a thought.
I thought, will I live till my hair changes it's colour, till my bones don't ache even if I sit long doing nothing, till my eyes could see the colours, till my ears could hear the sounds, till I could eat everything that I want and don't suffer. will I live that long till my family starts ignoring me and gets irritated with me. will I live that long?
No clue. But miraculesly if I did live that long what would I want then?
would I want to live my dying age doing things that I never dared to do before, would I want to take a long trip with my best friends (ovouisly if they lived long enough to go on a trip with me) or will I just want to do nothing looking at people passing by and imagining how their life would turn out. would I even think about how long are they goanna live maybe shorter then me or even longer..aah I don't know..maybe I'll just wait till my call comes and death sweeps me away.
who knows I could die this next moment after pressing a post button. sounds more sarcastic then tragic but that's the truth right what the next moment brings no body knows it's just this moment which we've got. Maybe for most of us its toucherous, painful and disastorous right now. Maybe some are just holding on a thin rope all I can say to then is best of luck. Not funny right, I know but those are just moment that will pass like the happy moments which you didn't notice but yes it just passed by. so all you got to do is hang on till it passes and eases. Then all which is left is the feeling of moment which touched your heart and will keep on touching you...live it. It all depends on how you take it.
I know I started with something else and I'm ending it with something else but that's how everythings works right. You have no clue so just live and leave the rest to next. Everything will fall into their own pace and time..