

Ascetic millionaire
It's not about having a lot of stuff or having a lot of money to be rich. It all comes down to how you live your life. Come up with a tale to go along with it.

When I was young, I was told to work hard ,study well,get good grades and this will ensure me success and comfort in the future . Now don't mistake me for arguing against it, studying and working hard will indeed make us successful and help in our upward social mobility.
But through my early college years, I started to observe one phenomenon I came to see one thing, the toppers do get good and better salaries, live in comfortable houses and have beautiful wives, but still they seem to be not satisfied, they are still working for more, sometimes they are not successful as they were before, sometimes many toppers in school end becoming average in adults,others lead a lavish lifestyle, some lead a simple lifestyle. So there is this one realisation that we all must accept, the work , efforts don't come to end in life once we become successful,rather it surmounts as time passes, a topper has to work even after getting a high salaried job. So discipline and efforts are not limited to a time frame, but requires for us to become rich and to stay rich ,orelse it would lead to loss of wealth and prosperity in short time .

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