

A letter to New self
Dear Aayushi,

You're new here.... but no more naive, you know what's manipulation, gas lighting and emotional blackmailing...You were so fixated on flowers that you blurred out the thorns thinking, it was love. But in reality you were just entranced. Weren't you?
I wish you would never ever get into this trap again.. amen

now I'm leaving, since there's nothing left for me here. I was bleeding, praying for death, and you killed me, that's how the Roses started to bleed! He'll be punished for his mistakes by Shri Krishna.
upcoming life is full of glory. And please never ever give anyone to shatter you into pieces ever again, devils who are deemed to be innocent are walking around alive! Goodbye
let's never ever talk about this again. it was the last time. I won't return...

Yours Aayushi
(28/11/2021 to 5/06/2024)


© @Aayushi_Yadav