

The Escape!
The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror. I heard footsteps so I ran into an empty room. I waited for awhile, before heading down the hall. I turned a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end. Aaaaaaaaaaaa! What was that? I heard a scream sounded like a woman's voice coming from the other way. Hoping everything was alright I headed in the direction of the scream. Then I heard a sinister laugh. It was coming from the exam room, so I peaked inside, trying not to be seen. Omg it was Dr. Williamson. Why is he here, and what is he doing to that woman? Looks like he's trying to operate on her. I need to get help. But who's going to believe me, he's well respected. Do I A. Keep it to myself, and risk going crazy from knowing, or B. call the authorities. I was so scared
I took off running reached an area with service where no one could hear me. "Hello!" "911 police,fire, and medical!" I wanna report some suspicious behavior at the Hospital. What's going on ma'am? I got locked inside, and I just heard a scream, went to investigate, and saw Dr. Williamson place a young lady on an operating table. I need an officer to come by, and check it out. " Ok I am dispatching an officer to you." Thank you"! Just sit tight, and don't be seen. Ok. I hung up with the operator, found a corner, and crouched down be as quiet, and as still, as a mouse. I am so scared. I wanna go home. I wish I didn't have to get a physical. Damn now I'm getting hungry, aw man
As I sit here waiting (pop, pop, pop." What the heck was that? Freeze on your knees, hands on your head. You have the right to remain silent.

Oh good it's the Police. I waited until after he arrested the Doctor, and Left. As soon as I got out I ran home as fast as I could. "Jennifer"!/ are you okay. "Yeah I'm alright mom. I just had one of those days, ha ha ha. Look like you seen a ghost. If I tell you you wouldn't believe me."Try me. I saw Dr. Williamson place a young woman on an operating table after hours. He was laughing sadistically. Did you notify the authorities? Yeah, before I left they were arresting him. "Wow I knew something was off about him lately. I know, it's hard to believe that he could do such a thing. " Alright dear you're had a long day, why don't you go get some sleep. "Alright mom love you. I head up to my room, get into my pajamas, and get ready to snuggle in; when all of a sudden. Ring ring ring. Hello listening to my mom answer the phone. Yes I know I'll be there in the morning, ok bye. "Who was that I wonder? She'll be where? I better get some sleep.

The next morning! Mom! Hello you there? ..Oh she's gone. Must've went to work early. (ringtone sounds). Hello, oh hi David. What's up? The diner. Ok let me get dressed, and I'll be there. Love you too, see you soon bye.

Later on at the diner! Hey guys! " Oh I Samantha. Did you guys here what happened to Dr. Williamson. "Dude I was there. What? What happened? I was accidentally locked in the Hospital, and I heard screaming, when I went to investigate, I saw him place a young lady on the operating table, laughing crazy. So I snook off somewhere safe, and called the authorities. I waited until they left, and ran home. Wow that was insane. You are lucky you wasn't hurt. " I know.

After the concern, me and the gang were having lunch, when. (ringtone sounds). Hello! Oh hi mommy. What's going on? . Late ok love you be safe , ok later. " Your mom? Yeah she's working late again. So cutie, can I come over? Yes, but only for a little while. Ok! Later that evening, as David, and I were making out, my phone went off. " Shhhh, might be my mom. Hello! I know you called the police, some one is here very disappointed in you. "Sam"! Mommy! Dr. Williamson I was scared, I didn't me... "Shut up little bitch, I am out on bond, and before I go away, you, and mommy are going to pay. Please don't hurt her. I won't if you trade, you for her. Okay, anything you want. Only you, no police, no heroes. Only me. She hangs up the phone. What's going on? Dr. Williamson, has my mom, and wants me for her. Hell no! I gotta save my mother. I know baby, I know. He said no police, and no heroes, only me alone.

On the way to the meeting place. If everything goes as planned he will be where he belongs, your mom, and you will be safe. Ok Detective Armando I'm just scared. I know, but try to relax, we got your back.