

I am small Little boy .I dont known about What is relationship and what is Friendship!..
After 10 Year.I known something about.......
Relationship And Friendship!..I am some understanding about This two.
I join college and Make Friendship with my college Friend!..After complete college hour And I go to home and Mom is happy When She saw Me!..The excitement In mom face is Make me extream happy!..After Night fall and Morning Come!..The same Routing go daily....One day in life it was very decision-making day in that I want to choose My family Or Friend!..What make this decision because of a misunderstanding..One day in My college I help my Friend in Situations of his life!...Matter of Girl friend!..I help my friend in that situation that time. I go to home Mid night and I do big mistake!....I tell lie in home that class are going till mid night!...Next day I go to college and same Help my friend.!..And it's goes till Four month!.. After A month parents came to clg to ask my teacher "Who my child is performing",And How mud night class going?.The teacher Reply He is studying good and he will get job.At that time principal call teacher and he forget to answer second question of parents!..The parents came to home and doing works!...And at same Mid night their child come and parents are alseep!..The boy asking to parents why mom you not sleep?Mom Reply We today came to your College and meet Teacher!.Boy was shocked..Body is Sweeting and telling reason to escape from there!..But mom told wait I wamt to ask something to you.Is there is any Mid night class is going?.The boy reply angeryly yes mom!..Why my professor not told!..Know he told That No night class is going.the boy was sweating more!..Dad ask what happen to you anything you want to tell?.The boy was confused What to tell.And Boy told now I am tried We meet In morning and discuss about this Good Night dad and mom!....
Next morning Comes and Parents ask Ya now you tell.And where you are going.I am going to college and meet in evenings!..Parents told today is sunday and college is close!. That time parents have douth and ask again a lie tell Me about Mid night class.The boy was vibrator to answer the question.And told it's going good ma!..
Dad told but professor told There is no night class!..Now the boy was in trouble and That time Her Friend to whom boy Help in Love matter!..He came and solve problem in this life!..The Friend Told all truth and Go from there and Parents Belive him and leave him!..After that Boy think A Friendship Is always True!..And Finding Them in life is difficult in life!..
Family is also Important Then Friendship But It will judge you whenever You do wrong!..

FAMILY means :- Father and mother I love you..
Friend means:- First Relationship In this Earth Never Die