

The mysterious disappearance ( part - 05 )
All of us stared at the officers in shock ..... we were out of words but the scilence was shortly broken because of some footsteps which appeared to be headed towards us and someone yelled from behind IMPOSSIBLE i talked to my brother just today afternoon ..... i looked back and saw Diana looking as red as a tomato
Heu I am bell and long time no seen but i was busy with leagel stuff .... now give me a chance to make things clearer for you .....
Well who are you one of the officers asked to Diana to which she replied .... i am Diana and i am Tylor's younger sister ...... i am also a private detective ......
we see but what we said is true ma'am one of the cops said ....... do you know Clair is also muderded the second cop asked ...... ofcourse I do Tylor texted me about it so i took the first flight from Georgia and came here ......
well we have gotta go but tomorrow morning we want all of you back at the station ..... a officer said .....
we went home and i tried to console Diana who was historically crying .... Clair and Tylor were very close to her ..... after around three hours of wheeling she camed down .....
oh i forget to tell you that phone call we received informed that Tylor had been muderded .....
well the next day we went to the station and the police force had only one question ..... who dose this bracelet belong to .....
i replied with confusion it is Diana's .... and so the police said that we can leave but not Diana as they needed to interogate her ......
when we were having lunch we got a knock on the door and i went to get it ..... officer how can I help you i asked to the cops ..... well by not resisting arrest one of them said as they handcuffed me and took me to jail ..... Clair ! you are alive ......
wanna know what happens next then keep reading the mysterious disappearance

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