

The girl who had magical hands
once there was a beautiful girl who spent her day just writing and writing stories of all genres poems and journals she just wanted to with all her creativity and heart and sometimes she spent the whole night writing without even a short sleep. no one praised her . everyone would just say stop doing this useless stuff. but this would never hurt her . she never gave up . one day she went to a publisher after completing 5 novels but inspite of her story being wonderful he did not like them . but she never lost hope . she wrote beautifully. her best story was about a magical land which a girl entered and she was that girl . her stories were more than beautiful. they were heart touching. she was working on that novel only . no one liked her stories so she descided that she won't write for her books to get
popular but for fun so she reduced her writing time . she wrote only 4 to 5 hours . her mother had passed away so her aunt took care of she was nice to her but she never had time to take care of her . she was very busy working . one late night she was just lost into her own world of books, just writing and writing stories. The name of her her first book was , ' Lost ' . And others were , ' Secrets or Lies ' And another was , 'Unless I die ' . or " The Last Chance ' or ' The Watchers . '