

Once a broken soul, always a broken one
They say, time mends the wounds... No, time never heals anything; One just learns how to live with that pain.
Time never mends the pain & agony, the soul just hardens over the hardships, knowing that whining over won't change anything.

I thought I was okay, I thought I was healed, I really really thought I'd started to appreciate myself; started to live my life better; make better decisions & choices; learnt from the mistakes from the past... Learning how to not repeat them. But what if Your Life decides to make you go through some lessons until you haven't mastered it to the best possible, until you've learnt how to not commit mistakes over & over again, learning how to not repeat the minor & major mishaps you have been committing.

Then this happens - it's easy for anyone to give you guidelines & lessons "Why are you doing this or Why that", "Why don't you learn things as such". Don't you focus on them, they don't know a bit about what you have been through. It's your journey to embark & your struggles to be driven through, others are just passengers in the train boarding through the stations of your life, entering and exiting as their own Life journey is paved upon, according to their own decisions, choices and likes-dislikes. We feel pain, when those passengers in our life board down the next station and leave us while we imagine them to stay with us for a longer period of time, when we had not even imagined about them boarding down at the next station leaving us alone again.

It's okay readers, everything is a part of our life, we don't have the control of other people's lives but only ours very own. We have our own customized journey. It's okay if someone leaves you at the next or some stations later. You've come to enjoy this life, live through all the moments you get to cherish within your journey, to embark on a new destination every time you make a new choice, fulfilling your desires & demands as much as possible.

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