

my imperfections
The setting was perfect. Candlelight, polished cutlery and a single rose set in a delicate vase at each table, I hope she likes it.
I have all these prepared for Celeste, just like any other girl she wanted a very romantic date. she has always complained about how boring I am and I hope all I have done matches her taste, I can only hope.

"what are you doing Luciano" Celeste asked when I covered her eyes.
I know you are curious and confused babe but I want you to be patient.

okay but it better be something good or else I will be so disappointed, she said with a frown.
I want you to know that I am doing this for a good cause, I said to her which earned me a sigh from her.

here we go, I said before unveiling her face. "what do you think" I asked with so much excitement.

"You shouldn't have done all this" She said with a scowl. I would have preferred it if you took me to a good restaurant at least there will be amusing things to see, she said.

I did all this for you. I picked this place because it is cool and i thought it will make you comfortable. Moreover, you have always wanted something romantic and this is perfectly romantic, I said with a wide smile.

"Luciano, do you really think decorating the rooms with flowers, playing old classical songs and the candle lights in the room is romantic" she asked.

I thought you would at least appreciate the little I can do instead of shouting at me.
Sorry Luciano, here goes nothing because I don't appreciate the flowers or the candlelights. I don't appreciate anything you do.

"I thought it was all perfect", I said
I am sorry to disappoint you and I am not sorry but this settings is old-fashioned and not close to what I will ever call perfect, she said taking her leave.

Celeste.. she interrupted me.

for your information, I am done with you. Don't you dare call me I am with someone far better than you, she said before leaving.

I thought all I did was perfect but I failed to realize that I can never do anything perfect because I am a failure.