

That, that I Am
I move through the trees, towns, and cities unabated and as I please. Sometime quietly and sometimes with thunderous approach. Wherever I decide to tread none may avoid me though sometimes I choose not to torture those who cross my path. Other times I beat them down and certainly cause my fair share of damage. Nearly always when I am near I cant be seen only felt whether i strike you hard to shake and crumble you very idea of safety, or gently caress your skin. Living things arent the only things that suffer my wrath. Man made structures of steel and wood alike fall before my anger yet the trees seem to fair best. Not a suprise as they like me are something of nature. I was born before the first man an will be until the end of all things until my master bids me halt. Only the Creator, the one Architect of all that is may command me or make claims to have tamed me. My breath can be sweltering or below freezing depending on where I choose to step, and when I am seen I instill great dread upon human hearts and they raise the alarms to hide away from my destruction. I am neither good nor am I evil, but instead much like the angel of death I am necessary because the Earth would die if I chose another home or settled down to a single spot on the map. The place human, animal, and vegetation alike would shrivel and quickly rot without my presence. Smart people have used devices trying to make copies of me and all weather for that matter of which I am just one small part. An individual piece of the puzzle. You see I'm here today to warn those scientists who thing they have mastered Mother. You my dear sweet ignorants have absolutely NOT! Sometimes it is me she sends out to correct your mistakes and I carry out my task with all the fury of her anger for her anger is mine. Sometimes she sends one of the others to reclaim her rightful power. My brothers and sisters are all a small part of Mother you see and she is becoming way past just angry as are we. Her anger like ours is growing contemptuous like that ten times a tempest of the sea. My brother the Sea, you see if you havent figured me out by now. Let me introduce myself I am the Wind and my warning is that if humans dont stop playing God with us soon global warming and climate change will be but a flea on a dogs collar compared to Mothers wrath. Do you understand yet!? Mother Nature doesn't want to be and never agreed to bending to your will, little things, and she doesnt like being fucked with!!! Decide quickly your time for thinking on it has come to an end and Mother along with all my brothers and sister along with the trees and animals will come knocking soon, and God has no interest in anything thinking they are above him. Look what happened to Lucifer.
© S.A.R.J