

Forever And More
There's storm inside in everyone,
some people try to survive but some people just move with the flow.

I don't know why people just pretend and hide things.

I like everything human till they conquer you mindset.

I have devilish mindset, but it's above all the pity scared people.

There's soft side comes when you try to listen to your heart and then your mind comes to rescue you from unexpected ugly heart people.

Ugly people means those who never accept you on first place. Because they easily make perception of others.

Those who never share their wrong parts.

My mind never ever gonna be conquered by any fairytale people of this world.

Sometimes there's is a smile comes to rescue you when you realise, that you met another shity people.

There's a peace in being selfish and seeing the people with different opinions.

Those who love both good and bad, they never complain or care about others opinion. And that make others so weak in their mind.

A person never gonna grow till he/she accept the reality of this World.

World is cruel and lovely as well,
But love never gonna beat any kind of hate these days.

© im_1d03