

Beyond possibilities
I have traveled such a journey. That I have had an opportunity to review things from abroad.

Once upon a time I had a studio in a gallery. We had shows and events that I always looked forward to. Even when I was a bit of a mess. And even when I was homeless. I also had a chance to go to an event that actually had Stan Lee signing autographs on his his copies. And I noticed that he rarely socialized. For he had a crew working beside him.

I had plenty of fun. And met many different creative people. Writers, painters and even publishers. Yet they all seem to have their own crew that they were mostly social with.

I met a person of wisdom. I cannot spell the title that he holds. However I was fortunate enough to have talked or listened to him. And he was from another country. And for some reason the memory of this man stuck with me. And he only stated a phrase to me. Is the strangest thing.

Anyway my point is that I am truly grateful that I have another opportunity to be able to write and create. Being here is the most communication I have done in a while. Mainly because I chose to isolate myself. For being wild and rich financially does not motivate me. Being social and learning is something that provides me with more than what material things could bring.

To be able to function without so much turmoil has been a vision of mine until reality struck. However, I could go on focusing on negative thoughts and energy. Or find ways to enjoy life on life terms instead of chasing away happy memories. Yet, I am me. Never perfect. Things get bottled up inside and come out. And I am sure that many others do. So we find joyful events to experience together. Rather virtually or personally.

I never stuck around for the end of the events. For I made sure that I left before anything could ruin the perfect memories of the events.

Now in reality I am aware that everything is not rosey. And if we have chosen to accept one another for who we are. Than no misery could not be any happier than that. Some of us are overthinkers, whinners, maniacally depressed and no telling what else. But we accept one another and walk through this journey.

I enjoy pushing myself to the limits for the end result. Knowing that I can make it happen without giving up. I reach out, humiliate myself and do not care if I have to cry to a stranger to get through many storms. For I deem it to be better than being destructive. And helps me to realize that I do not know it all. And I am not perfect enough to survive without having storms.

I do not have to be rich to be at an affordable event. For we all have events made just for our perfectly imperfect moments where we are not focused on reality.
© Bazilisk49