

My Name is Munna
I'm just a cat, living as a stray cat. I looked like a beggar asking for food to survive. I have a shelter but I can't call it my home.
Everyday, I meet different people. Some of them were kind and some were bad. I'm quite hesitant to get so near to anyone because of the fear I might be killed. Life is not that easy as a cat. Rain or shine I need to secure myself because I have no safe place to hide.

During at night I can't sleep well for I was afraid that a slayer will come. How I long to have the so called home where I can lay my head and rest. When there's rain, I ran to a place where I keep myself warm. I have many friends but they can't bring me to their place.

Upon searching for food in a new place. I met a human who has a kind heart. I felt so closed to him. Everyday he gave me food, at night I sleep near with him. I felt I am valued, cared and loved. I trusted him , I could see in his eyes that he won't hurt me. So, we became closed friends.

Until one night, when he was about to go home, he called me to come to him. He carried me and I was so nervous but I refused to resist. We traveled for quite long, I just closed my eyes for the possible thing to happen in my life. But in my heart, I felt safe and secured.

In a few minutes, we stopped and he dropped me off to a house where a huge woman lived. I was so frightened whe he hand me over to her. I want to jump but she had put me down gently inside her house. The house is so quite and there lived four dogs. They barked at me. I hid myself under the couch.

Many days and nights had past, I already found a place where I belong. I slept and ate well. I'm free and safe. I have someone who loves me. I lived happily. Thanks to my friend. My name is Munna and this is my story.

© Emily_143