

Put your Finger on your Lips
in a Room:_

"Stop it, Stop Crying" her Mommy Whispered.
"I Said, Stop Crying" her Mommy again Whispered in her Ear.
"hey girl, Don't Let your Father know
Stop Crying,
it's Normal,
Every girl faces this Everyday." her Mommy was Continuously Whispering.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Dinning Area:_

They were Sat on the Dinnig Area.
She Tried to Speak,
"Dad", She Called her Dad.
Dad Looked at her Face.
"I want to Tell you Something", She Said.
"yeah", her Father Said.
"hey hubby, Eat this
I Made it for you", her Mommy Suddenly intrrupted them.
Father Started Eating again,
She Looked at her Mommy,
"Mommy put a finger on her Lips".
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Room again:_

"I told you already, don't Let your father know,
Then Why are you trying to Tell him"?
Her Mommy Whispered angrily.
"But Mommy, That boy harassed Me,
he abused Me Sexually" She Cried.
"it's Not New,
"Just Put your Finger on your Lips"
Don't you Dare to Tell this to your Father,
Don't Lat anyone know
Or else
"What will people Think about US"?
Mommy Said.
After that, Mommy Left the Room.

She Cried a lot,
Someone had been harassing her for a Month,
She told her Mommy,
but Mommy was Scared,
"What will her husband Do"?
"What will people Say"?
Mommy was Not Wrong,
Their Society & Country's Culture was Like that.

But, the girl
She wanted to Tell her Father,
Sadly, She Couldn't
She knew it's Wrong to hide this thing from her Dad,
She also knew, "Society will Criticize her only"
She knew,
her Society will Not Say anything to that Boy.
So, "She just Put her Finger on her Lips".
_ _ _ _ _ _ _
Author's pov:_

it's Our Society,
Girls are afraid to tell these things to their Own parents especially fathers,
Who Can Support them,
but The girls don't tell them.
Girls also have Fear of People.
Many girls face this Problem daily,
European Countries have Laws but We Can See Many Cases there too.
& in Asian or African Countries these are Common too.
& girls are afraid to Tell anyone about it especially Asian girls.
Asian girls are just Told that
"Put you Finger on your Lips".

© ~I.B