


Yes, I remember the day. No doubt I forgotten the exact date. But It was a dusty afternoon of September . I was just writing a poem in my diary. Suddenly a text message flashed on my mobile screen - "Hey, how are you?" I left my poem incomplete and checked for the number. The message was sent from an unknown number. I replied - "sorry. who are you?" then, after few minutes a reply came - you don't know me. I am completely stranger for you.
I thought someone knowingly doing all this activity. I continued conversation. After a week the stranger gave his identity. In a week we became good friends. We used to talk everyday, used to discuss various topics. But suddenly one day, he stopped responding my texts. I don't know the reason behind that. But he did not replied. I waited for months for his reply. Then I thought to call at that number. He didn't answered the phone. Months passed, years passed.

On the night before my marriage, suddenly a call came on that number. I never heard his tone before. At first he gave his identity, and then asked for mine and said how can I help you?
It was the same person who texted me as a stranger. I remain silent for few minutes. Then replied, "sorry. Wrong number. I am completely stranger for you."
I don't know during speaking out these sentences, why did I became completely hopeless. Few drops of tears rolled down on my cheek. I cut off the call and went towards my almirah, where I kept my old diary full of poems and stories. I opened the page which was incompletely written. I scrolled those old chats.

Years passed but I unable to complete that poem. Whenever I open that page, I got stuck with the journey from strangers to friends and friends to strangers . And a silent storm raises in my heart.


#love #wrongnumber #stranger #incompletestory #youandme #broken #Unknownpoet